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Saturday, May 7, 2011

Welcome to Car Bizarre

I've had a thing for strange cars since I was a kid.  It seems like the more outlandish it is, the better I like it.  It doesn't have to be "strange" in any particular way, either.  I might be a concept car, an art car, a custom, a hot rod, or just something unusual from the history of automobiles.

That's why I decided to write this blog.  My plan is to share information about, and links to, cars that I find interesting on the web.  Hopefully you'll find something here that amuses you, amazes you, or even disgusts you.  One thing I know--nothing appeals to everyone.  So I expect some days you'll drop by and say, "Ugh!", or "that's stupid," or even, "meh".  If those days are in the minority, we'll both have fun.

So, where to start?  Well, one of my favorite strange cars is one that lived in obscurity until the '80s sitcom "Family Matters" brought it to the public eye.  For that reason, a lot of people know it as the "Urkelmobile".  Its real name is the Isetta, and it was built by several manufacturers, including BMW.  Here's a picture:
 the article it came from is at
And here are some more links for Isetta info:
Isetta 1953-64 Gold Portfolio

The Isetta was a single-cylinder critter with the strangest door arrangement in automotive history:  the front of the car swings open and shifts the steering wheel out of the way so you can get in.  Of course, this means if you run into something head-on, or park to close to the car in front of you, there's no getting out!  Truly a car bizarre.

So that's today's car.  Stay tuned for more tomorrow!

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